My days of 800 calories or less and lots of exercise have left me very sore, but at 151.2 lbs. I hope it keeps creeping down this fast, but I know getting to 140 and under will be stupidly hard.
I'm going to keep mixing up my exercise. My circuit training class was great and I'm going to keep at the intervals. I also need to work on my 2.4 km timings. Apparently I would need to run at a constant 14.4 k/p/h to run the distance in 10 minutes. So there's something to creep up to. I want to aim for at least 12.5 k/p/h by 9th June. And then I have a week to run it on flat ground, rather than treadmill and check my pacings. Then I will have a week of adventurous training in Germany, which should be hardcore, especially if i throw in some extra exercise and play the fussy eater. But, you know what they say, easy gained, easy lost and I'm worried about losing fitness. I hope the different types of sports will still keep me up to scratch.
Had lower limb physio today - what a workout, I was sweating and sore by the end. Then did a 30 minute interval swim and went to meet a flame. I didn't push it exercise wise because I'm actually in ab-agony right now and I need to rest tomorrow to recover. Needless to say, I'm not happy about and and plan to do lots of walking and maybe some floor work too. The flame and I had pudding and a long chat. It was fairly comfortable, but not much spark. He's a sweetie and I think he would be a good boyfriend, but I dunno about chemistry. He's a trier in bed though and pretty awesome ;) Pudding was a slice of cheesecake with fruit compote. It was ok, but not brilliant, although at 100g, it came to about 350 calories, which I had budgeted for during the day and it still allowed me a banana when I got home, for potassium as my salts are low and I'm getting cramps.
Anyway, some may notice a change of look. It needs tidying up, which I will do tomorrow, but I'm going to create a thinspo tab and sort the sidebars and pictures out.
All the best, peeps. Keep on going. As the quote goes 'the only dream I ever the surface of the sun' - which means all those dreams can be a reality.
Thank you for your lovely comment :) and I love your background! x