
Wednesday, 16 February 2011


I want to thank Somedayskinny for her comment - I appreciate it so much.  I feel so alone, and just to know that I'm not, even because one person is there, is such a relief.

Laxies have helped; down just under 10lbs from yesterday.  I ate a little - some vegetarian sushi (half the pack was purged), some apple kiwi lime smoothie, some fruit and some stir fry.  I purged the stir fry too.  Actually finally made myself drink after each bite and the purge lasted about 5 minutes, instead of 40 last time.  I've cracked it.
No gym today - I just couldn't face it.  I'm going to go tomorrow.  I'm sat up trying to read Hamlet and write on Herbert (a poet), so will probs be up all night.  Then a wee nap, then packing for my trip down south with the Navy, a swimgym sesh, and then drill tomorrow night.  It's a fast day until drill, as it's movie pizza night afterwards.  I know I won't be able to resist and I want to be sociable.  I might have a slice or too, I might eat the whole thing.  But if I'm drinking water, maybe I can fill myself up too much not to binge, then nip downstairs and purge in secret. There's the plan.
No alcohol either, so no extra calories.  Yay!

I have just over 2 months to look hot for R and I's Easter trip to London.  I'm going to be naked a lot (sorry if that's TMI), so need to get rid of this flab.  So I'm going to get back on track with running, start doing more pilates, and keep to under 1000 calories a day.  I simply can't manage to restrict to 850, not with how revved my metabolism is right now, I just binge.  So gotta add that extra 150 to try and help it out.  I know I can do that without feeling hungry.  And if I eat less, then wahey!

Anyway, BIG thinspo for today is stolen (again, I know, I'm sorry!) but is also London themed.

1 comment:

  1. Hello girls I have returned to blogger after trying to lose weight the healthy way and developing a better mental health I gave up I threw it all away to become "Delicate!!" Threw all my hard work away so I could eat from one extreme to another, to get to my goals quicker!! As many of us do we give up and think it will be easier and quicker to try a stupid diet which you only end up binging and back to square one!!

    I am ashamed of my choices and want to continue down my path of being healthy!! I can not believe I nearly threw it all away!! I have decided to give it my all 100% and nothing less!! I will reach my GOALS but in a HEALTHY way!!

    I too want to look great in a Bikini, in that Little Party Dress, in those CK Jeans but I want to ROCK them without feeling GUILTY, without LYING to all those around me and to not be KILLING MYSELF in the process!! I want to look HOT in ULTIMATE HEALTH and HAPPINESS, I want to have AWESOME SELF ESTEEM and I want to ROCK CONFIDENCE!! I want to earn the JOY of achieving HEALTH - HAPPINESS - SELF ESTEEM and CONFIDENCE the right way not the wrong way!! I want this more than anything in LIFE and I am going to get it !! It is now or never, there is no looking back!! Please support me and I will return the favor!! I choose to follow girls with distorted eating as I feel they understand what I am going through compared to "normal eating" girls they just think I am crazy!!

    I am putting this every where because I know I will influence at least one person out in this great big world to never give up and to keep trying!!
