
Tuesday, 11 January 2011

A salad thief.

Hmmm, today has been hit and miss.  I hardly slept last night because of my residence 'mates' screeching until 4am.  And I needed to sleep so much.  So was a grumpy little shit this morning.  Got up and made an excuse for some form of breakfast (a banana and a cup of soya milk, 170) only to open the fridge and discover that an entire bag of carrots (that's like 1kg or more) and a tub of mushrooms had been pilfered.  Not impressed.  Others have had stuff nicked and it seems it was two guys that some of these 'mates' brought back.  I dunno, it just put me in a massively bad mood.  I'm so irritable lately.  I think it's this place.

Anyway, I ended up still making it to the gym, but because my muscles are very sore still, I went swimming.  And for a cheeky sauna at the end.  I'm feeling really in pain, so here's hoping I can cardio this bitch up tomorrow and burn all this revolting flab.  My only annoyance is that it hurts too much to tense my stomach muscles so I have to let it all hang out and I look pregnant.  Hopefully will be a little less pregnant looking tomorrow morning.  I need to be slim on Thursday as I am going to an Xmas party (bit late, I know, it got rescheduled) and want to tease all the boys.  Hehe.

Also had my first EVER politics lecture/lesson.  It went a bit over my head, not what I expected.  I hope it starts to make more sense soon.

Anyway, intake has been fine, though quite 'carby' today.  Have had 845 today.  Vegetarian sushi for lunch (392.5) and homemade veggie soup for dinner (160), but also a fair bit of dried fruit and an almond and a brazil nut (120).
Output was totaled at 2541, as long as I do 8 minute abs, my Pilates legs and some pushups to make 30 minutes.

Right, need a nap or something, I can't function.  Gotta make up a hot water bottle though, as I'm so cold.  Constantly.  I hope it's burning more cals though.


That's my dress from ASOS.  It's the mustard yellow one, though the blue pose is prettier.  I hope it gets here for Thursday.  Going to wear it with black opaque tights and black gladiator 6 inch heels and maybe a sequin jacket.

Yay, clothes cheer me up.


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